March Block of the Month - Maple Leaf Block

Finished size = 12 1/2”

This is a great little block that is made up primarily of 4 ½” blocks and 5” blocks.

Cut out:
(2) 4 ½ “ Blue squares
(2) 5” Blue squares
(4) 4 ½” leaf colored squares
(2) 5” leaf colored squares.

Arrange the 4 ½” blue and leaf colored squares to form the maple leaf (see layout).

Place (1) 5” blue square right sides together with the 5” leaf colored square. Draw a cutting line on the diagonal from corner to corner. Draw a sewing line ¼” from both sides of the line and sew both seams. Cut on the cutting line separating the two triangles. Gently press the seams open and square up to 4 ½”. Do the same with the remaining (3) 5” squares. Arrange theses pieces following the finished pattern.

To make the pattern for the stem you can create a pattern using a 4 ½” square or you can simply cut a 4 ½” square of leaf colored fabric. Lightly draw a line on the diagonal from one corner to the opposite corner. Draw cutting lines ¾” on both sides of the line. Cut out the piece. Gently turn ¼” seams on the long sides of the stem. Place the stem on the bottom blue 5” square on the diagonal and stitch it into place( see picture).

Now sew the 9 blocks together to form the Maple Leaf. Make all different color leaves. You can use different background colors but I would suggest blue for a similar appearance. We will most likely connect these blocks with sashing strips but I think if they had some kind of blue background fabric, it would draw them together.

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