Memorial Day - Baltimore, MD

Baltimore, MD - In remembrance of the fallen warriors on this Memorial Day weekend, the MSP Quilting Angels traveled to the VA Hospital in Baltimore, MD. There in a solemn ceremony, 27 Quilts of Valor were presented to the Chaplin for distribution to the war wounded.

It is such an honor to create these heirloom quilts, and a great priviledge to present them. The fact remains there are so many troops so deserving and so few quilts to go around. This might surprise you and sadden you to hear that the distribution of the cherished quilts is by lottery.

You see, there are more wounded than there are quilts. Each veteran is given a ticket and the numbers are drawn for distribution. These warriors chose to serve our country and place themselves in harms way to defend OUR freedom that we may not need to be called.

Perhaps not a fitting analogy, but one you can understand - Imagine your office will be receiving the honor of a presidential award to be distributed among everyone, except there aren't enough to be distributed, except by lottery.

Upon hearing of this situation, the MSP Quilting Angels turned toward making more quilts.

Quilt On Ladies - they deserve our support.

God Bless

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