Today, and frankly any day, you must admire someone putting action with their kind words.
Example, Al Lind - He has been called a QOV Poster Boy and more, but this veteran tells it like it is.
You see, Al is a 91 year old WWII veteran and a former prisoner of war who QUILTS for other vets and handily admonishes other vets to "get off your duff" and quilt! Through the Quilts of Valor program, he has assisted with the creation of nearly 200 quilts.
Today, Al Lind, 91, was presented a plaque at the U.S. Army Yakima Training Center in central Washington by Brig. Gen. Frank Cipolla, Deputy Commanding General of the 88th Regional Support Command at Fort McCoy.
To Join in watching an American Hero, tell is like it is CLICK on the YouTube LINK HERE-
And look around your house to see who is setting on "his duff"
Quilt on!
Awesome!! Congratulations on his honor!