Quilts of Valor - What Sort of Medal is THAT?

Your elders have forever warned you – “Never get in a car with a stranger”. Gee… Why on earth would you give a ride to a stranger or two or three?

You are on a Mission.

If you have ever lived in the Washington DC area, you know the difference between a tough-skinned terrestrial mollusk (slug) and the absurd concept of sharing a ride with people you have yet met (strangers – aka – SLUGS).

The Mission? To serve Honor and Comfort upon Lance Corporal Skerry at his family’s home north of Fredericksburg, VA.

The issue? A 5:30 appointment at the home of Lance Corporal Skerry that would be a tight fit two hours away in Washington, DC traffic.

Discover the "rest of the story" at our website - HERE

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